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TFI ADCompetition

TFI Local Link has an annual competition to promote health living and eco friendly transport. 


We were assigned our groups in college and went from there. I was nominated as team director and we got to work breaking down the project and what kind of video we wanted to make. We were given our clients requirements for time, theme and size and allowed to create.


The team decided together our style and story, basing it around a student on their way to college getting stuck in traffic and then the alternative where they biked. We wanted to put a big emphasis on the health side of the project, how exercise is important for us and how easy it is to implement a small amount of exercise into our lives daily.


We assigned ourselves our roles for the project and got to work. In the team with me was Sheena Brennan who focused on storyboarding, animatic and animating clean up, Ryan McDaid who worked on sound design, narration, and vehicle design.


We got the style of the animation down and as Sheena made a storyboard off of the script I wrote, Ryan got to work on sound design for the animatic, and I starting working on backgrounds. The first set of backgrounds would be dark and dreary as they are driving through a congested town, then turns bright as they start cycling.

Shot 1.png
Shot 1 clouds.png
shot 13+14 clouds.png

The final video ended up coming together nicely as we all chipped in to finish the colouring of the animation. I finished off the editing, title, and credits and submitted it to the competition.

It was a very fun experience getting to the finals and travelling down to Dublin for the award ceremony. I enjoyed the organiser role and communicating with everyone, keeping up with where everyone was and how they were getting on. I really enjoyed working on this team and am excited to try teams again.

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